L'échange non diplômant est possible à la Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona -
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ETSETB-UPC), pendant un voire deux semestres. Vous devrez valider 30 crédits ECTS en un semestre, 60 ECTS pour deux semestres.
Website for Incoming Exchange Students
Voici les documents à inclure à votre candidature, post nomination:
- name and surname
- nationality
- date of birth
- email address
- level of studies (bachelor or master)
- field of study
- semester or semesters of the stay (one semester, two semesters, double degree)
The Application period for exchange students
Autumn semester: 1st April to 1st June
Spring semester: 1st October to 1st December
UPC-ETSETB will not accept applications after these dates.
Students will need to apply through this application link: