v2.11.0 (5797)

Master Télécom SudParis - Computer Science for Networks M2


The M2 CSN program proposes to be initiated to research and to acquire strong practical and theoretical knowledge in the network and computer science area. The broad range of proposed modules gives students the opportunity to deepen their technical knowledge through computer science methodologies applied to networks as well as to discover new emerging research topics. Two main objectives can be tackled:

  • to master formal techniques for network analysis,
  • to study and apply advanced software engineering techniques (e.g., software defined networks, containerization, etc.) to compute, improve and master the keys of the development of distributed networks.


The Master CSN leads to research (in research institutes or universities) and engineering positions (e.g., industry) in the diverse fields of computer science dedicated to networks and communication systems. More specifically, the domains the students will be able to use their learned skills, knowledge and expertise on are the modeling and analysis of complex networks, distributed computing for new-generation communicating systems, their qualitative and quantitative studies.
Several research labs and companies hire students from CSN such as Nokia (Bell Labs), Orange (R&D), CEA, Thales, Huawei, etc. Students also have opportunities to continue with a PhD thesis in a CNRS Lab from Institut Polytechnique de Paris as well as in the industry (e.g., CIFRE).


Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Credit Ects Volume horaire Responsables Periode de programmation Site pédagogique
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