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Master - M2 DATAAI - Data and Artificial Intelligence


Regarding the objectives of this Master, here is the link to consult


The master’s program will equip students with the fundamental knowledge, technical skills and concrete applied methodologies for making machines more intelligent. In particular, students will acquire experience in using and developing data-supported smart services and tools for data-driven decision making and will learn how to master technical and scientific challenges in processing large data and knowledge. The students will be taught to solve theoretical problems as well as applied ones, to present their work both in oral presentations and in written reports, to analyze the bibliography and identify open research directions, to work independently as well as in a team, to identify and seek appropriate resources for advancing their work, whether theoretical or applied, and to take initiatives.

domaines d'enseignement


compétences acquises

Regarding the aims of this Master, here is the link to consult


The combination of big data and artificial intelligence in all of its forms is an active field of research. Students will be prepared for research in Robotics, Image processing, Machine Learning, Web technologies, the Social Web, Data Analytics, Big Data Management, Knowledge Base Management, Information Extraction, Information Retrieval, Databases, Data Warehousing, Knowledge Representation, and Distributed Data Management. Students who wish to pursue a PhD afterwards are more than encouraged to do that. The Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the associated research labs (INRIA, CNRS, etc.) offer a great environment for a PhD, and our program is an optimal preparation for this path. The program will also allow students to apply to positions in the industry, mostly in research and development labs.


Unités d'enseignement

UE Type d'enseignement Domaines Catégorie d'UE Credit Ects Volume horaire Responsables Periode de programmation Site pédagogique
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