v2.11.0 (5776)

Formation en mobilité - FAE-Ex-AALTO : Échange à l'étranger : Aalto University (Finlande)


L'accord d'échange non-diplômant Erasmus a été signé avec les Schools suivantes :

- School of Science :

• Computer Science
• Industrial Engineering and Management
• Engineering Physics
• Mathematics and Operations Research
• Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience

- School of Electrical Engineering :

•Automation and Systems Technology
•Bioinformation Technology
•Communications Engineering
•Electronics and Electrical Engineering
•Space Science

Les Télécomiens peuvent y effectuer un semestre (ou 2) d'études et valider 30 crédits ECTS (ou 60 ECTS si 2 semestres)

Le plan d'étude type est à votre disposition sur Eole, cf partie B/ de ce lien : https://eole.telecom-paris.fr/formation/international/depart-a-letranger/procedure-de-candidature

La DRI peut aussi vous mettre en relation avec les élèves qui y sont actuellement.

Le numerus clausus est de 4 places pour 10 mois pour chacune des School

Nomination par la DRI :

- School of Science :

The home university should nominate students to exchanges-sci@aalto.fi with the following information: student’s name, exchange semester, e-mail address and intended study field in Aalto University. There is no set nomination deadline, but nominations should preferably be sent at least two weeks before the application deadline.

Application deadlines
April 30: Deadline for applications for the next autumn term and academic year
October 15: Deadline for applications only for the next spring term
Please verify the dates online.

- School of Electrical Engineering :
Nomination : The home university should nominate students to incoming-elec@aalto.fi with the following information: student’s name, exchange semester, e-mail address and intended study field in Aalto University. There is no set nomination deadline, but nominations should preferably be sent at least two weeks before the application deadline.

Application deadlines
April 30: Deadline for applications for the next autumn term and academic year
October 15: Deadline for applications only for the next spring term
Please verify the dates online.


effectifs minimal / maximal:


Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Format des notes

Validé / non validé

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'ingénieur

L'UE est acquise si Note finale >= Validé
  • Crédits ECTS acquis : 30 ECTS
  • Crédit de Formation Humaine acquis : 1.5
  • Crédit d'Option 3A acquis : 20
Veuillez patienter