v2.11.0 (5797)

Enseignement ATHENS - TP20 : From cloud datacenters to mobile edge computing (MEC): architectures, innovative services, and open challenges (Télécom Paris - Palaiseau)

Domaine > Réseaux.

Illustration de la fiche



The TPT20 course aims to outline the fundamental concepts, application domains and open research topics inherent to Cloud computing, both in large datacenters and in mobile edge environment. Mobile edge typically corresponds to the periphery of radio-cellular networks where both fix users, mobile users and IoT devices (sensors and actuators)  are interconnected in wireless to cooperate with remote computing units. These computing units are referred in the jarrgon as the Baseband Units (BBU). The emergence of 5G/6G telephony and of smart/autonomous vehicles is at the origin of the CLoud Radio Access Network (CRAN) standard. An originality of this course is to provide a sythnetic state of the art (SoA) in matter of harware/middleware/sofware confiigurations. Teaching an ATHENS session is challenging on two aspects: how to introduce a new scientific topic in a successive five days session, from electronic chips evolution to real-time Virtual Machines managment ? How to satisfy the expectations of an international audience with diverse scientific backgrounds and cultures? The added-value of the TPT20 curriculum is two-fold. First, it introduces some of the most significant and up-to-date evolutions of Cloud computing but also of Mobile Edge Computing, in terms of hardware architecture and service management. Secondly, it alternates didactic courses with lab sessions thanks to a collaboration with two leading edge actors of the domain, namely Nexedi and IBM. My colleagues Mr Steven Eychenne (Ing. @ IBM-France) and Mr Cédric LENINIVIN (Ing. @ Nexedi) both contribute to this challenging task.


In a first step, we propose a brief state of the art on CPU and hardware architectures. The performance criteria of a blade server (the basic computing unit within a datacenter) are analyzed (CPU speed, multithread vs. multicore, energy consumption etc.). We describe then into details the rationale of the typical 2D-fat-tree optical backplane network architecture of a datacenter. The pros and cons of this architecture are discussed in reference to the potentialities of all-optical technologies. The basic rationale of virtual machines (VM) assignment to physical machines (PM) and migration strategies is presented via bin packing theory. After these preliminary considerations, the evolution from hypervisors to Virtual Containers (VC) such as Kubernetes and Docker is briefly discussed. An original focus is dedicated to the impact of heat dissipation onto real-time VM migrations. In this perspective, we show how a Pareto optimization approach can be considered. We conclude this first section by a brief presentation of Cloud standardization bodies and the three Cloud business models considered up to now.


The second part of this course deals with the most innovative aspect of the Cloud domain, namely Cloud Radio Access Networks (CRAN) and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). CRAN refers to the innovative access infrastructure that will enable to deport Cloud intelligence close to fix/mobile end-users, including IoT sensors/actuators. Autonomous vehicles (AV) and more extensively, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), the first two pillar applications of 5G, rely on Cloud and IoT. In this perspective, we depict into details the basic principles of Digital Radio-over-Fiber (D-RoF) and the two underlying standards, namely CPRI and OBSAI. In our conclusion, we depict the open perspectives offered by 5G/MEC for future intelligent transportation systems (ITS).




30 heures en présentiel (20 blocs ou créneaux)

10 heures de travail personnel estimé pour l’étudiant.

effectifs minimal / maximal:


Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Parcours de rattachement

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'ingénieur


Format des notes

Numérique sur 20

Littérale/grade réduit

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Programme d'Echange Européen ATHENS

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'ingénieur

Vos modalités d'acquisition :


L'UE est acquise si Note finale >= 10
  • Crédits ECTS acquis : 3 ECTS
  • Crédit d'UE électives acquis : 3

La note obtenue rentre dans le calcul de votre GPA.

Programme détaillé

Day 1: Monday 14th of November 2022 - 9:30 – 10:30 AM

“Welcome address of the 2022-2023 ATHENS students", Amphitheater Thevenin  

Prof. Jean-François NAVINER, head of international affairs (Telecom Paris),  Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Computer science and networks Dpt.)


Day 1 Monday 15th of November 2021 – 10:45 – 12:15 AM

Hardware refresher: multicore and multithread processing, hardware/middleware recent evolutions

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 1: Monday 15th of November 2021 - 13:30 – 15:00 PM

“Typical architecture of a datacenter”

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 1 Monday 15th of November 2021 – 15:15 – 16:45 AM

2D-bin packing for dynamic VMs assignment to PMs – Evaluation of the response time of a datacenter

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 2: Tuesday 16th of November 2021 - 9:00 – 10:30 AM

“Software Defined Network for Cloud”

  1. Steven Eychenne (IBM - France)


Day 2 Tuesday 16th of November 2021 – 10:45 – 12:15 AM

Software Defined Network for Cloud

  1. Steven Eychenne (Nexedi -France)


Day 2: Tuesday 16th of November 2021 - 13:30 – 15:00 PM

“Network Function Virtualization for Cloud”

  1. Steven Eychenne (IBM-France) – Hands-on session


Day 2 Tuesday 16th of November 2021 – 15:15 – 16:45 AM

Network Function Virtualization for Cloud

  1. Steven Eychenne (IBM-France)



Day 3: Wednesday 17th of November 2021 - 9:00 – 10:30 AM

“Slap-OS: the Nexedi innovative approach of Cloud for SMEs ”

  1. Cédric LE NINIVIN (Nexedi)


Day 3 Wednesday 17th of November 2021 – 10:45 – 12:15 AM

Slap-OS: the Nexedi innovative approach of Cloud for SMEs ”

  1. Cédric LE NINIVIN (Nexedi)


Day 3 Wednesday 17th of November 2021 - 13:30 – 15:00 PM

“The Nexedi Cloud solutions for real-time power control of electric grid”

  1. Cédric LE NINIVIN (Nexedi)


Day 3 Wednesday 17th of November 2021 – 15:15 – 16:45 AM

The Nexedi Cloud solutions for real-time power control of electric grid

  1. Cédric LE NINIVIN (Nexedi)



Day 4: Thursday 18th of November 2021 - 9:00 – 10:30 AM

“Impact of temperature on Total Cost of Ownership of a datacenter”

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 4: Thursday 18th of November 2021 – 10:45 – 12:15 AM

Principles of VM migration – flash back to bin-packing theory

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 4: Thursday 18th of November 2021 - 13:30 – 15:00 PM

“Cloud standardization from NIST”

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 4: Thursday 18th of November 2021 – 15:15 – 16:45 AM

Pricing strategies for Cloud services

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 5: Friday 19th of November 2021 - 9:00 – 10:30 AM

“From traditional RAN to disaggregated RAN: The CPRI and OBSAI D-RoF standards”

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 5: Friday 19th of November 2021 – 10:45 – 12:15 AM

The Open RAN standard – energy harvesting for future radio-mobile networks

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 5: Friday 19th of November 2021 - 13:30 – 15:00 PM

“Conclusion and evaluation of the session : open questions and answers”

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)


Day 5: Friday 19th of November 2021 – 15:15 – 16:45 AM

Evaluation exam with all documents

Prof. Maurice GAGNAIRE (Telecom Paris)

Mots clés

, dissipation de chaleur, allocation de ressources de calcul et de stockage: concepts delocal/global, réseaux optiques , réseaux radio-mobile 5G, pricing.

Méthodes pédagogiques

Evaluation exam with all documents
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