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Formation en mobilité - FAE-MSc-Georgia Tech : Master of Science program in Computer Science, College of Computing (Etats-Unis)


MSc in computer Science at GaTech : The College of Computing is a global leader in real-world computing breakthroughs that drive social and scientific progress. Our undergraduate program is ranked #5 and our graduate program #8 in the country by US News and World Report. With our unconventional approach to education along with cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary research, we are expanding the boundaries of computing

Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Format des notes

Validé / non validé

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Diplôme d'ingénieur

L'UE est acquise si Note finale >= Validé
  • Crédits ECTS acquis : 30 ECTS
  • Crédit d'Option 3A acquis : 20
  • Crédit de Formation Humaine acquis : 1.5
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