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Les formations
Catalogue 2024 - 2025
Advanced Master Degree
ADE - Business Architect Digital
ARC - Network and Cybersecurity Architect
BGD - Big Data: mass data management and analysis
CYBER2 - Cybersecurity and cyberdefense
ECRSI - Cybersecurity expert for networks and information systems
IA - AI : artificial intelligence
SMOB - Smart Mobility
M1DATAAI - M1 DATAAI - Data and Artificial Intelligence
M1IGD - M1 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
M1REDESI - M1 DES - Research Master in Design
M2DATAAI - M2 DATAAI - Data and Artificial Intelligence
M2ICS - M2 ICS - Integration, Circuits and Systems
M2IGD - M2 IGD - Interaction, Graphic and Design
M2IREN - M2 IREN - Network Industries and Digital Economy
M2MICAS - M2 MICAS - Machine learnIng, CommunicAtions, and Security
M2MVA - M2 MVA - Mathematics, Vision, Machine learning
M2RECHDESI - M2 DES - Research Master in Design
M2SETI - M2 SETI - Embedded systems and information processing
PHDCOMPSC - PhD Track - Computer Science
Master of Science in Engineering (diplôme d'ingénieur)
ING - Master of Science in Engineering (Diplôme d'ingénieur)
Student Exchange
PEI - International Student exchange
Catalogue 2023 - 2024
Advanced Master Degree
ADE - Business Architect Digital
ARC - Network and Cybersecurity Architect
BGD - Big Data: mass data management and analysis
CARC - Network Design, Architecture and Cybersecurity
CPD - Digital Project Designer
CYBER2 - Cybersecurity and cyberdefense
IA - AI : artificial intelligence
MSIR - Management of network information systems
SMOB - Smart Mobility
Certificat d'Etudes Spécialisées
CESCDRS - CES Data, networks and systems cybersecurity
CESCDRS-INTRA - CES Cybersécurité des données, réseaux et systèmes-INTRA
DATA AI - Data & Artificial Intelligence
DESIGN - Research Master in Design
ICS - Integration Circuits Systems
IGD - Interaction, Graphic & Design
IREN - Network Industries and Digital Economy
MICAS - Information processing: machine learning, communications and security
MVA - Mathematics, Vision, Machine learning
SETI - Embedded systems and information processing
Master of Science in Engineering (diplôme d'ingénieur)
ING - Master of Science in Engineering (Diplôme d'ingénieur)
Master Télécom SudParis
CSN - Computer Science for Networks
Cyber M1 - Cybersecurity M1
Cyber M2 - Cybersecurity M2
EECIP - Electrical Engineering for Communication Information Processing
MN - Multimedia Networking M2
PDS M1 - Parallel & Distributed Systems M1
PDS M2 - Parallel & Distributed Systems M2
TRIED M2 - Information Processing and Data Exploitation Master 2
VAR - Virtual & Augmented Reality M2
Student Exchange
PEI - International Student exchange
v2.11.0 (5776)
Enseignement ATHENS
IST18 :
Beyond the Present: Designing the Future of Educational Spaces (IST Lisbonne)
Informations générales
Acquisition de l'UE
Descriptif & programme
Diplôme(s) concerné(s)
Diplôme d'ingénieur
Format des notes
Numérique sur 20
Littérale/grade réduit
Pour les étudiants du diplôme
Diplôme d'ingénieur
L'UE est acquise si Note finale >= 10
Crédits ECTS acquis : 3 ECTS
Crédit d'UE électives acquis : 3
Entité de rattachement :
Libelle diplôme :
Niveau :
Site :
Fonction :
Programme d'échange :
Régime d'inscription :