v2.11.0 (5797)

Formation en mobilité - MOB_5Ex86_TP : Echange non-diplômant à Zhejiang University, Chine


Cet échange non-diplômant est validé par l'obtention de 30 crédits ECTS par semestre obtenus au sein du "College of Computer Science and technology de Zhejiang University (ZJU)" mais également "Le College of Computer Science and technology" de Zhejiang University (ZJU).

Les cours sont en anglais, dont voici la liste :

Quarter  Course Code Course Name(CN) Course Name(EN) Credits Teaching Hours Course Introduction
Fall&Winter 21191062 计算机体系结构 Computer Architecture 3,5 72 This course is one of the most important professional courses in computer science that systemically introduce the fundamental concepts and design approches of computer architecture from the view of the whole computer system. The topics cover fundamental concepts, task of computer design, quantitative principles, and performance evaluation; instruction set architecture and characteristics of CISC and RISC machines; basic concepts for pipelining, causes and resolutions for pipeline hazards; memory hierarchy, improvement of cache performance; I/O storages; and basic concepts for multiprocessors. At the same time, the students are required to master the hardware design approches and skillfully use hardware design toolkits. In the lab we will introduce how to gradually implement the pipelined CPU supporting 31 MIPS instructions in Xilinx ISE environment using Verilog, and verify its correctness on FPGA board.
Summer 21121420 计算机系统概论 Introduction to Computing Systems 4 80 This is the first course in computing for students of computer engineering and electrical engineering. The objective is to provide a strong foundation that a serious student can build on in later courses across the spectrum of computer science and engineering. The idea is that a more complete understanding of the fundamentals early in your education will help you acquire a deeper understanding of more advanced topics later, whether that topic is in computer architecture, operating systems, data base, networks, algorithm design, software engineering, or whatever. I call the approach "motivated" bottom-up. That is, after providing some overview of why a new concept is important, we attempt to tie that new concept to what you already understand. Starting with the transistor as a switch, we build logic gates, then more complex logic structures, then gated latches, culminating in an implementation of memory. From there, we study the computer's instruction cycle, and then a particular computer, the LC-3 (for Little Computer 3). We got it wrong the first couple of times! The LC-3 captures the important structures of a modern computer, while keeping it simple enough to allow full understanding. The first programming assignment is in the machine language of the LC-3. From there, we move up to Assembly Language, and learn how an assembler works. The remaining programming assignments are in LC-3 Assembly Language. We cover good programming style and practice, and teach debugging from the gitgo. An LC-3 Simulator allows the student to debug his/her own programs. Input (via the keyboard) and output (via the monitor) both use physical device registers. System service routines, written in LC-3 Assembly Language are used to perform I/O functions. They are invoked by user programs by the TRAP instruction and corresponding trap vector. Subroutine calls and returns complete the LC-3 instruction set.
Fall&Winter 21191503 整合与创新设计 Integration and Creative Design 4 128 This course is related to a method of integrated innovation design in new product development. The main contents are as follows:1. Qualitative and quantitative research on product design; 2. Analytical user demand, identification new product opportunity; 3. Conceptual design of new product development and early-stage technological proposal; 4. Effective Learning Type Group Cooperation, reference and absorption of the Interdisciplinary knowledge in new design. Objective of Creating Breakthrough products, Practice of the contents such as conceptual product design, interact design, service design, and application prototype design.
Winter 21121650 密码学进阶 Advanced Cryptology 2 32 This course is aimed to provide students with a solid understanding of reduction based proving technique. It also provides in-depth coverage of interactive and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, foundation and security of the blockchain, multi-party computation, and cryptographic protocols. Throughout the course, the students will develop intendent cryptographic protocol security modelling skills, as well as the ability of examining and proving complex systems.
Spring 21191581 网络安全原理与实践 Network Security Theory and Practice 2,5 48 This course aims to help students understand and practice network attack and defense strategies. As the saying from security research community goes, if you want to secure a system, hack it first. Such a principle drives the development of course content. Each defense strategy is well motivated by example attacks that might take place if it were not enforced. Topics to be covered include cryptography, cryptanalysis, blockchain, secure connection, secure routing and forwarding, anonymous communication, Wi-Fi security, and zero-knowledge proof. An eight-week group project is also required to help students practice these security techniques. Through integrating both theory and practice, students are expected to grasp the essence of network security as well as train their security mindset.
Summer 21191990 社交网络安全与隐私 Security and Privacy in Online Social Network 2 40 This course will introduce the fundamentals of Online Social Networks (OSNs), present techniques and tools for OSN analytics, and discuss trust and credibility, privacy policy, and security challenges in OSNs. The course also covers topics about misinformation, fake news, and various forms of cybercrime in OSNs. Finally, the course highlights preventive measures and general practices.
Summer 21190120 算法设计与分析 Algorithm Design & Analysis 2,5 48 Algorithm design and analysis is a fundamental  course in computer science, which mainly talks about the theoretical foundation of  algorithms. This course covers sorting and selection, max-flow, matching, computational bioinformatics, machine learning, randomized algorithms, computational complexity and inapproximability, and cake cutting protocols. 

Il n'y a pas de cours en quantique disponibles dans ce College.


La candidature s'opère début avril après nomination par la DRI auprès de l'administration de ZJU.


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