v2.11.0 (5491)

Enseignement de Master - CSC7321 : Middelware for distrbuted Applications


The aim of this module is to develop skills for designing and implementing distributed applications using middleware technologies. At the end of this course, students should be able to choose the appropriate architectural style: appropriate broadcast algorithms, synchronous methods, Representational State Transfer (REST), component oriented middleware, distributed event-based system (DEBS) and to produce enterprise distributed applications.

Lecturers: Sophie Chabridon (TSP), Denis Conan (TSP), Michel Simatic (TSP), Chantal Taconet (TSP)

42 heures en présentiel

Diplôme(s) concerné(s)

Parcours de rattachement

Pour les étudiants du diplôme Computer Science for Networks M2

Programme détaillé

All the subjects of the module will be illustrated by research articles as well as practical labs. Through a micro-project, students will design and implement a distributed application.


  • Middleware for distributed applications definitions, patterns and overview, (lectures, 3h)
  • Component-based middleware with Java EE (lectures and labs, 9h)
  • Synchronous methods with Web Services (lectures and labs, 6h)
  • Representational State Transfer (REST) (lectures and labs, 6h)
  • Distributed Event Based systems (DEBS) (lectures and labs, 6h)
  • Distributed broadcast algorithms (lectures and labs, 9h)
  • Micro project (labs, 3h)



  • Presentation of a research article
  • Results of labs and intermediary deliverables
  • Final examination: microproject final deliverable and defense
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