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Master Institut Polytechnique de Paris - Data & Knowledge (D-K)


(Le Master est en anglais)

The Data & Knowledge program is a second year master program (“M2”) in computer science at the University Paris-Saclay in Paris, France. It is concerned with Web data management, knowledge & semantics, big data, and data analytics from a semantic point of view.  The program is held in English (even if the "programmes" on the left say otherwise).




The curriculum brings together a variety of subjects from the fields of data management, knowledge management and knowledge engineering, and machine learning, and data mining. Topics include system design and architecture, storage, indexing and optimization, data analytics, knowledge representation and reasoning, semantic interoperability, and data mining, all with a special focus on processing very large amounts of data.

The unique combination of these disciplines distinguishes us from the other M2 tracks that focus either on data management or machine learning and data mining. Another key feature is that the Data&Knowledge track is in English.

The program will allow you to

  • look under the hood of technologies that big data players such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook leverage
  • learn the principles of semantic data representation, which makes machines “understand” data
  • understand how machines (and humans) reason on data
  • discover different types of data in a variety of applications, such as bioinformatics, social media, and the Web
Programme : https://www.lri.fr/%7Econchon/master_informatique/rof_informatique/FRUAI0911101CPRPR471.xhtml

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