The DataAI study track is a two-year master’s program at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris to prepare students for a PhD. It is concerned with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and large-scale data management. To apply, you can browse the official IP Paris webpage for the the M1 and for the the M2.
The program is taught in English. It teaches students the basics of Machine Learning, Logic, Big Data Systems, and Databases, before diving into applications in advanced machine learning, symbolic AI, swarm intelligence, natural language processing, visual computing, and robotics. Students can choose from a wide variety of courses, including on the mining of large datasets, big data processing systems, reinforcement learning, GPU programming, semantic networks, cognitive modeling, self-organizing multi-agent systems, autonomous navigation for robots, text mining, image understanding, as well as social issues in AI.
The program has a focus on research, and aims to familiarize students from the beginning with scientific work with scientific projects and internships. This way, students are optimally prepared for doing a PhD.
- Language of instruction: English
- ECTS: 120
- Orientation: PhD
- Duration: 1 year (M2) or 2 years (M1+M2)
- Start: September
- Course Location: Quartier Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Diplômes concernés
Composition du parcours
- Choix de cours SOFTSKILLS Choix de cours dans le bloc Softskills
- PDV_5DA05_TP Softskills seminar
- Choix de cours ETHICS Choix de cours dans le bloc Ethics
- HSS_5DA06_TP AI Ethics
- Choix MACHINE LEARNING Choix de cours dans le block Machine Learning
- CSC_5DA01_TP Shallow & Deep Learning
- CSC_51054_EP Machine and Deep learning
- CSC_52081_EP Apprentissage Automatique Avancé et Agents Autonomes
- CSC_52087_EP Advanced Deep Learning
- Choix de cours LOGICS Choix de cours dans le bloc Logics
- Choix BIG DATA SYSTEMS Choix de cours dans le bloc Big Data Systems
- ECE_5DA04_TP Big Graph Databases
- CSC5003 Infrastructures d'analyse de données
- CSC_52083_EP Systèmes pour les Mégadonnées
- TSP-CSC5003-1 Big Data Infrastructures
- Choix de cours DATABASES Choix de cours dans le bloc Databases
- CSC_4SD02_TP Databases / Bases de données
- CSC_0EL13_TP Databases (créneau D)
- CSC_51053_EP Système de Gestion de Base de Données
- Choix FULLY OPTIONAL COURSES Choix de cours dans le bloc Fully Optional Course
- CSC_5IA13_TA Maintenance prédictive
- APM_5AI27_TP Large-scale Generative Models for NLP and Speech Processing
- MOB_0AT09_TP Social Emergence in Complex Systems (Télécom Paris - Palaiseau)
- CSC_4SD01_TP Exploration de données /Data Mining
- APM_5AI07_TP Programming with GPU for Deep Learning
- APM_5AI25_TP Algorithmic information and artificial intelligence
- CSC_4SD04_TP Graph Learning
- CSC_5AI12_TP Natural Language Processing
- CSC_5DS17_TP Multimodal Dialogue
- CSC_4SD05_TP Cognitive approach to Natural Language Processing (Option Gestion des données)
- APM_5AI18_TP Reinforcement learning
- APM_5AI04_TP Modèles probabilistes et apprentissage automatique
- APM_5DA10_TP Basics of image processing and analysis
- APM_5DA03_TP Image mining and content-based retrieval
- CSC_5DA02_TP Explainable and Trustworthy AI
- CSC_5DA11_TP Data Science in Practice
- CSC_5DA07_TP Collective Intelligence
- CSC_5DA09_TP Knowledge Base Construction
- APM_5DA12_TP Deep Learning for Computer Vision
- APM_5DA13_TP Representation Learning for Computer Vision and Medical Imaging
- CSC_51056_EP Analyse de Données Topologiques
- CSC_52082_EP Introduction à la Fouille de Textes et au Traitement Automatique des Langues(NLP)
- CSC_54441_EP Introduction à la vérification des réseaux neuronaux
- CSC_54456_EP Navigation pour les systèmes autonomes
- CSC_52002_EP Computer Vision: from Fundamentals to Applications
- CSC_54656_EP Procédure de décision pour l'intelligence artificielle
- CSC_51052_EP Visualisation des Données
- APM_5AI29_TP Language Models and Structured Data
- APM_5AI26_TP Kernel Machines
- CSC_5IA23_TA Deep learning based computer vision
- Projets M2 DATAAI Projets M2 DATAAI
- PRJ_5DA14_TP Project A
- PRJ_4DA16_TP Research project
- Crédits libres M2 DATAAI 5 Crédits libres M2 DATAAI
- CSC_53431_EP Analysis and Deep Learning on Geometric Data
- CSC_53439_EP Deep Reinforcement Learning
- CSC_51073_EP Analyse d'Image et Vision par Ordinateur
- CSC_54444_EP Robots souples : simulation, fabrication et contrôle
- APM_5DS18_TP Optimisation pour Data Science
- APM_5AI05_TA (TP) Apprentissage pour la robotique (ROB311)
- CSC_5AI06_TP Deep learning I
- Stages M2 Stages M2
- INT_5IP35_TP Stage de Master 2 IP Paris